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This project aims to train an image classifier from scratch to detect emotions from facial expressions using the Kaggle FER-2013 Dataset. The model classifies images into seven emotion categories based on facial expressions, utilizing various approaches to improve its accuracy and robustness.


1. Custom CNN From Scratch:

  • Built a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) from scratch, using layers like Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, BatchNormalization, Dropout, Flatten, and Dense.
  • The model architecture was designed to gradually extract features from the input images and classify them into seven emotion categories.
  • Trained on the FER-2013 dataset.

2. Custom CNN With Augmentation:

  • Applied data augmentation techniques (random rotations, shifts, shears, zooms, and horizontal flips) to improve model performance and generalization.
  • Enhanced robustness by training on augmented data, allowing the model to recognize emotions from various perspectives and variations.
  • Trained on the FER-2013 dataset.

3. Transfer Learning with VGG16:

  • Leveraged the pre-trained VGG16 model for transfer learning.
  • Fine-tuned the VGG16 model on the emotion detection task by replacing the final classification layer and training on the FER-2013 dataset.
  • Transfer learning benefited from the large dataset knowledge learned by VGG16, speeding up training and improving performance.

4. Transfer Learning with ResNet50:

  • Explored transfer learning with the ResNet50 model, another widely used CNN architecture.
  • Fine-tuned the ResNet50 model on the FER-2013 dataset to adapt its learned features to the emotion detection task.
  • Compared the results of transfer learning with VGG16 and ResNet50 to identify the most effective approach.


The project uses the FER-2013 dataset available on Kaggle, which consists of over 35,000 labeled images of faces with seven emotion categories: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutral.


The project evaluates each approach’s performance, comparing:

  • Custom CNN from scratch.
  • Data Augmented CNN.
  • Transfer Learning with VGG16 and ResNet50.

By the end of the project, we identified the most effective approach for detecting emotions from facial expressions.

Next Steps

  • Experiment with more advanced augmentation techniques to further improve model generalization.
  • Evaluate the model’s performance on a real-time facial emotion detection application.
  • Explore other transfer learning models, such as InceptionV3 or MobileNet for efficiency.